Hi everybody in this topic i am going to discuss all about solar energy and its use in generating electricity
- Why Solar?
Our sun is a source of free infnite energy which is inexhaustible and provides solar eneergy equivalent to 1000 kW/Hr for Sq.m of space.
This energy is equivalent to energy produced by burning of 100 L of heating oil.This data shows the extent of free energy available for human being at his disposal.Also another popular research reports that
the total amount of fossil fuels used by humans since the beginning of civilization is equivalent to less than 30 days of sunshine.
the total amount of fossil fuels used by humans since the beginning of civilization is equivalent to less than 30 days of sunshine.
Considering these key facts it becomes vital to replace the polluting energy resources to solar energy in the near future
- How is it done?
For the conversion of solar energy into electricity a special device called Photovoltaic cell is used.These cells are usually made up of n-doped and p-doped silicon cells which form a junction as shown in figure.Contacts are provided on both sides for conduction .A glass plating is provided for protection.Whenever sunlight falls on n-doped region the excess electrons generated flow through the load for instance a bulb to the p-doped region.The electrons cannot flow directly as potential difference layer is generated in between the n-doped and p-doped regions which blocks the flow of electrons
- Types of panels:-
As efficiency of the panels is a an important parameter along with its costing ,it becomes essential to chose the proper type of panel for a specified purpose.Unfortunately despite the technological advancements ,we have benn able to achieve upto 21% of efficiency.
- MONOCRYSTALLINE: These panels are usually characterised by octogonal silicon bars inside them,This makes the panel best efficient when sunlight is directly falling on the panel in perpendicular direction.But due to octagonal shapes,area occupancy inside the panel is not efficient,a lot of area is wasted.
3.HYBRID:These panels are modified ones and are best suited in field of applications which have less space for installations of panels.